Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals (2011)

    1. Aloysius, M., S. Sijikumar, S. S. Prijith, Mannil Mohan and K. Parameswaran: "Role of dynamics in the advection over the Arabian Sea along the west coast of peninsular India during pre-monsoon season: A case study based on satellite data and regional climate model", Journal of Earth System Science, 120(2), 269-279, 2011. (
    2. Babu, S.S., J.P. Chaubey, K.K. Moorthy, M.M. Gogoi, S.K. Kompalli, V. Sreekanth, S.P. Bagare, B.C. Bhatt, V. Gaur, T.P. Prabhu,and S.S. Ningombam, “High Altitude (~ 4520 m amsl) measurements of Black Carbon aerosols over Western Himalayas: Seasonal heterogeneity and source apportionment”, Journal of Geophysical Research, D24201, 1-15, 2011. (
    3. Babu, S.S., K.K. Moorthy, R.K. Manchanda, P.R. Sinha, S.K. Satheesh, D.P. Vajja, S. Srinivasan, V.H.A. Kumar, “Free tropospheric black carbon aerosol measurements using high altitude balloon: Do BC layers build ‘their own homes’ up in the atmosphere?”, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L08803, 2011. (
    4. Babu, S.S., V. Sreekanth, K.K. Moorthy, P.R. Sinha, S.K. Satheesh, D.P. Vajja, S. Srinivasan and V.H.A. Kumar, “Vertical profiles of aerosol black carbon in the atmospheric boundary layer over a tropical coastal station: Perturbations during an annular solar eclipse”, Atmospheric Research, 99 (3-4), 471-478, 2011. (
    5. Babu, V. S., K. K. Kumar, S. R. John, and G.Ramkumar, “Meteor radar observations of short-term variability of quasi 2-day waves and their interaction with tides/planetary waves in the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere region over Thumba (8.50N, 770 E)”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, 2011,
    6. Bagiya, M.S., K.N.Iyer, H.P.Joshi, S.V.Thampi, T.Tsugawa, S.Ravindran, R.Sridharan and B.M.Pathan, " Low-latitude ionospheric thermospheric response to storm time electrodynamical coupling between high and low latitudes", Journal Geophysical Research, 116, A01303, 2011. (
    7. Balakrishnaiah, G., K.R. Kumar, B.S.K. Reddy, C. Swamulu, K.R. Gopal, R.R. Reddy, L.S.S. Reddy, Y.N. Ahammed, K. Narasimhulu, K.K. Moorthy and S.S. Babu, “Anthropogenic impact on the temporal variations of black carbon and surface aerosol mass concentrations at a tropical semi-arid station in southeastern region of India”, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 42, 1297–1308, 2011. (
    8. Balakrishnaiah, G., K.R. Kumar, B.S.K. Reddy, K.R. Gopal, R.R. Reddy, L.S.S. Reddy, K. Narasimhulu, K.K. Moorthy and S.S. Babu, “Characterization of PM, PM10 and PM2.5 concentration at a tropical semi-arid station in Anantapur, India”, Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics, 40, 95-104, 2011. (
    9. Balakrishnaiah, G., K.R. Kumar, B.S.K. Reddy, K.R. Gopal, R.R. Reddy, L.S.S. Reddy, Y.N. Ahammed, K. Narasimhulu, K.K. Moorthy and S.S. Babu, “Analysis of optical properties of atmospheric aerosols inferred from spectral AODs and Ångström wavelength exponent”, Atmospheric Environment, 45 (6), 1275-1285, 2011. (
    10. Balan, N, M. Yamamoto , V. Sreeja, I. S. Batista, K. Lynn, M. A. Abdu, S. Ravindran, T. Kikuchi, Y. Otsuka, K. Shiokawa , S. Alex , "A statistical study of the response of dayside equatorial F2 layer to the main phase of intense geomagnetic storms", Journal Geophysical Research, 116, A03323, 2011. (
    11. Bhardwaj, A., and S. Raghuram, "Model for Cameron band emission in comets: A case for EPOXI mission target comet 103P/Hartley 2", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 412, L25-L29, 2011. (
    12. Bijoy, V. T., K. Parameswaran, and S. V. Sunilkumar, “Semitransparent cirrus clouds in the upper tropopshere and their contribution to the particulate scattering in the Tropical UTLS region”, Journal of Atmosphere Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2011,
    13. Chaubey, J.P., K.K. Moorthy, S.S. Babu and V.S. Nair, “The optical and physical properties of atmospheric aerosols over the Indian Antarctic stations during southern hemispheric summer of the International Polar Year 2007–2008”, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 101–121, 2011. (
    14. Choudhary, R.K., J.-P. St.-Maurice, K. M. Ambili, B. M. Pathan, and S. Sunda , "Impacts of the January 15, 2010, annular solar eclipse on the equatorial and low latitude ionospheric densities", Journal Geophysical Research, 116, 2011. ( 2011JA016504)
    15. Das, S. S., S. Sijikumar, and K. N. Uma, "Further investigation on stratospheric air intrusion into the troposphere during the episode of tropical cyclone: Numerical simulation and MST radar observations", Atmospheric Research, 101, 928-937, 2011. (
    16. David, L. M. and P. R. Nair, "Diurnal and seasonal variability of surface ozone and NOx at a tropical coastal site: Association with mesoscale and synoptic meteorological conditions", Journal Geophysical Research, 116(D10303), 2011. (
    17. David, L. M., I. A. Girach and P. R. Nair, "Distribution of ozone and its precursors over Bay of Bengal during winter 2009: Role of meteorology", Annales Geophysicae, 29, 1613-1627, 2011. (
    18. Dumka, U.C., K.K. Moorthy, S.N. Tripathi, P. Hegde and R. Sagar, “Altitude variation of aerosol properties over the Himalayan range inferred from spatial measurements”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73 (2011), 1747–1761, 2011. (
    19. George, S. K., P. R. Nair, K. Parameswaran and S. Jacob, "Wintertime chemical composition of aerosols at a rural location in the Indo-Gangetic Plains", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73, 1798-1809, 2011. (
    20. Gogoi, M.M., B. Pathak, K.K. Moorthy, P.K. Bhuyan, S.S. Babu, K. Bhuyan and G. Kalita, “Multi-year investigations of near- surface and columnar aerosols over Dibrugarh, Northeastern location of India: Heterogeneity in source impacts”, Atmospheric Environment, 45, 1714-1724, 2011. (
    21. Jain, S. K., and A. Bhardwaj, "Model calculation of N2 Vegard-Kaplan band emissions in Martian Dayglow", Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, E07005, 2011. (
    22. John, S.R and K.K.Kumar, “TIMED/SABER Observations of Global Cold-Point Mesopause Variability at Diurnal and Planetary Wave Scales”, Journal of Geophysical Research,116, A06314, 2011,
    23. John, S.R., K.K. Kumar, K. V. Subrahmanyam, G. Manju, and Q. Wu, “Meteor radar measurements of MLT winds near the equatorial electro jet region over Thumba (8.50N, 770E): comparison with TIDI observations”, Annales Geophysicae., 29, 1214, 2011,
    24. Jose, L, S. Ravindran, C. Vineeth, T. K. Pant and S. Alex, "Investigation of the Response time of the Equatorial Ionosphere in context of the Equatorial Electrojet and Equatorial Ionisation Anomaly", Annales Geophysicae, 29, 1267-1275, 2011.
    25. Kumar, K.K, D. Swain, S. R. John, and G. Ramkumar, “Simultaneous observations of SAO and QBO in winds, temperature and ozone in the tropical middle atmosphere over Thumba (8.50N, 770E)”, Climate Dynamics, 2011,
    26. Kumar, K.K, K. V. Subrahmanyam and S. R. John, “New insights on the response of stratospheric and mesosphere-lower thermospheric ozone to abrupt changes in solar forcing”, Annales Geophysicae., 29, 1093-1099, 2011,
    27. Kumar, K.R., K. Narasimhulu, G. Balakrishnaiah, B.S.K. Reddy, K.R. Gopal, R.R. Reddy, L.S.S. Reddy, K.K. Moorthy, S.S. Babu and C.B.S. Dutt, “Spatial heterogeneities in aerosol properties over Bay of Bengal inferred from ship-borne and MODIS observations during ICARB-W cruise campaign: Implications to radiative forcing”, Atmospheric Environment, 45, 404-412, 2011. (
    28. Kumar, K.R., K. Narasimhulu., G. Balakrishnaiah, B.S.K.Reddy, K.R. Gopal, R.R. Reddy, S.K. Satheesh, K.K. Moorthy and S.S. Babu, “Characterization of aerosol black carbon over a tropical semi-arid region of Anantapur, India”, Atmospheric Research, 100, 12-27, 2011. (
    29. Kumar, M., L. Kumari, S.S. Babu and N.C. Mahanti, “Aerosol Properties over Ranchi Measured from Aethalometer”, Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 1, 91-94. 2011. (
    30. Kumar, R., M. Naja, S. K. Satheesh, N. Ojha, H. Joshi, T. Sarangi, P. Pant, U. C. Dumka, P. Hegde and S. Venkataramani, "Influences of the springtime northern Indian biomass burning over the central Himalayas", Journal Geophysical Research, 116(D19302), 2011. (
    31. Lue, C., Y. Futaana, S. Barabash, M. Wieser, M. Holmström, A. Bhardwaj, M. B. Dhanya, and P. Wurz, "Strong influence of lunar crustal fields on the solar wind flow", Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L03202, 2011. (
    32. Manju, G, V. Sreeja, S. Ravindran and S. V. Thampi, "Toward prediction of L band scintillations in the equatorial ionization anomaly region", Journal Geophysical Research, 116, A02307, 2011. (
    33. Meenu, S., K. Rajeev and K. Parameswaran, "Regional and vertical distribution of semitransparent cirrus clouds over the tropical Indian region derived from CALIPSO data", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73, 1967-1979, 2011. (
    34. Menon, H.B., N. Sangekar, A. Lotliker, K.K. Moorthy and P. Vethamony, “Aerosol optical thickness and spatial variability along coastal and offshore waters of the eastern Arabian Sea”, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68, 745–750, 2011. (
    35. Moorthy, K.K., V. Sreekanth, J.P. Chaubey, M.M. Gogoi, S.S. Babu, S.K. Kompalli , S.P. Bagare, B.C. Bhatt, V. Gaur, T.P. Prabhu, and S.N. Singh, “Fine and ultra fine particles at near free-tropospheric environment over the high altitude station Hanle, in Trans- Himalayas: New particle formation and size distribution”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, D20216, 1-12, 2011. (
    36. Mridula, N, G. Manju., T. K. Pant, S. Ravindran, L. Jose and S. Alex , "On the significant impact of the moderate geomagnetic storm of March 2008 on the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly region over Indian longitudes", Journal Geophysical Research, 116, A07312, 2011. (
    37. Nair, A. K. M., K. Rajeev, S. Sijikumar and S. Meenu, "Characteristics of a persistent "pool of inhibited cloudiness" and its genesis over the Bay of Bengal associated with Asian summer monsoon", Annales Geophysicae, 29, 1247–1252, 2011. (
    38. Nair, P. R., L. M. David, I. A. Girach and K. S. George, "Ozone in the marine boundary layer of Bay of Bengal during post-winter period: Spatial pattern and role of meteorology", Atmospheric Environment, 45, 4671-4681, 2011. (
    39. Nair, S. K., T. J. Anurose, D. Bala Subrahamanyam, N. V. P. Kiran Kumar, M. Santosh, S. Sijikumar, Mannil Mohan and K. V. S. Namboodiri, "Characterization of the Vertical Structure of Coastal Atmospheric Boundary Layer over Thumba (8.5 N, 76.9 E) during different seasons", Advances in Meteorology, 2011, 2011. (
    40. Nandi, A., S. Palit, D. Debnath, S. K. Chakrabarti, T. B. Kotoch, R. Sarkar, V. K. Yadav, V. Girish, A. R. Rao, and D. Bhattacharya, "Instruments of RT-2 experiment onboard CORONAS-PHOTON and their test and evaluation III: Coded Aperture Mask and Fresnel Zone Plates in RT-2/CZT payload", Experimental Astronomy, 29, 55-84, 2011. (
    41. Pant, T. K., C. Vineeth, S. G. Sumod and L. Jose , "Evidence for the Lowering of the Centroid of Daytime Thermospheric O (1D) 630.0 nm emission over the Magnetic Equator:- First results", Advances in space Research, 47, 729–735, 2011. (
    42. Pant, T.K., C. Vineeth and M. M .Hossain, "A brief review of Neutral Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling over the dip Equator", Asian Journal of Physics, 4, 435-442, 2011.
    43. Ramkumar, G., V. S. Babu and K. V. Subrahmanyam, "Characteristics of winds in the equatorial MLT region-A Review", Asian Journal of Physics, 19(4), 457-474, 2011.
    44. Reddy, B.S.K., K.R. Kumar, G. Balakrishnaiah, K.R. Gopal, R.R. Reddy, K. Narasimhulu, L.S.S. Reddy, S.V.B. Rao, T.K. Kumar, C. Balanarayana, K.K. Moorthy and S.S. Babu, “Aerosol climatology over an urban site, Tirupati (India) derived from columnar and surface measurements: First time results obtained from a 30-day campaign”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 73 (2011) 1727–1738, 2011. (
    45. Schaufelberger, A., P. Wurz, S. Barabash, M. Wieser, Y. Futaana, M. Holmström, A. Bhardwaj, M. B. Dhanya, R. Sridharan, and K. Asamura, "Scattering function for energetic neutral hydrogen atoms off the lunar surface", Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L22202, 2011. (
    46. Sinha, P.R., R.K. Manchanda, D.G. Kaskaoutis, K.K. Moorthy, S.S. Babu and S. Sreenivasan, “Spatial heterogeneities in Aerosol size distribution over Bay of Bengal during Winter-ICARB experiment”, Atmospheric Environment, 45 (2011), 4695-4706, 2011. (
    47. Sinha, P.R., R.K. Manchanda, J.V. Subbarao, U.C. Dumka, S. Sreenivasan, S.S. Babu and K. K. Moorthy, “Spatial distribution and Vertical Structure of the MABL Aerosols over Bay of Bengal during winter: Results from W-ICARB Experiment”, Journal of Atmospheric Solar Terrestrial Physics, 73 (4), 430-438, 2011. (
    48. Sreeja, V, T. K. Pant and L. Jose and S. Ravindran, "Long Duration Westward Electric Field Penetration to the Dayside Equatorial Ionosphere during the Main Phase of the Geomagnetic Storm on 22 July 2009", Journal Geophysical Research, 116, A03303, 2011. (
    49. Sreeja,V. , T.K. Pant, Lijo Jose, and Sudha Ravindran, "Westward electric field penetration to the dayside equatorial ionosphere during the main phase of the geomagnetic storm on 22 July 2009", Journal Geophysical Research, 116, A03303, 2011. (
    50. Sreeja,V., T.K. Pant, and Lijo Jose, "Reply to comment by S. Tulasi Ram et al. on “Westward electric field penetration to the dayside equatorial ionosphere during the main phase of the geomagnetic storm on 22 July 2009", Journal Geophysical Research, 116, A08304, 2011. (
    51. Sreekanth, V., K.K. Moorthy, S.K. Satheesh, S.S. Babu, V.S. Nair and K. Niranjan, “Airborne measurements of aerosol scattering properties above the MABL over Bay of Bengal during W ICARB – characteristics and spatial gradients”, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 895–908, 2011. (
    52. Srivastava, A. K., P. Pant, P. Hegde, S. Singh, U. C. Dumka, M. Naja, N. Singh and Y. Bhavanikumar, "The influence of a south Asian dust stormon aerosol radiative forcing at a high-altitude station in central Himalayas, International Journal of Remote Sensing", International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2011. (
    53. Srivastava, A. K., P. Pant, U. C. Dumka and P. Hegde, "Black Carbon Aerosol Characteristics and Its Radiative Impact over Nainital: A High-Altitude Station in the Central Himalayas", Journal of the Institute of Engineering, 8(3), 1-10, 2011. (
    54. St.-Maurice, J. P, K. M. Ambili, and R. K. Choudhary, "Local electrodynamics of a solar eclipse at the magnetic equator in the early afternoon hours", Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L104, 2011. (
    55. Subrahamanyam, D. B. and T. J. Anurose, "Solar Eclipse induced impacts on sea/land breeze circulation over Thumba: A Case Study", Journal of Atmospheric Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73(5-6), 703-708, 2011. (
    56. Subrahamanyam, D. B., N. V. P. Kiran Kumar, C. B. S. Dutt, T. J. Anurose, P. K. Kunhikrishnan and Mannil Mohan, "Characterizaiton of air-sea interaction processes over the Bay of Bengal during the winter phase of ICARB field experiment", Atmospheric Research 99, 97-111, 2011. (
    57. Subrahamanyam, D. B., T. J. Anurose, Mannil Mohan, M. Santosh, N. V. P. Kiran Kumar, S. Sijikumar, S. S. Prijith and Marina Aloysius, "Atmospheric Surface-Layer Response to the Annular Solar Eclipse of 15 January 2010 over Thiruvananthapuram", Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 141(2), 325-332, 2011. (
    58. Subrahmanyam, K. V., G. Ramkumar, K. K. Kumar, D. Swain, S. Sunilkumar, S. S. Das, R. K. Choudhary, K. V. S. Namboodiri, K. N. Uma, S. B. Veena,S. R. John, and A. Babu, “Temperature perturbation in the troposphere-stratosphere over Trivandrum during Solar eclipse 2009/2010”, Annales Geophysicae., 29, 275-282, 2011, 10.5194/angeo-29-275-2011.
    59. Sumod, S. G, T. K. Pant, C. Vineeth and M. M. Hossain , "A new insight into the vertical neutral-ion coupling between the mesopause and ionosphere F region", Annales Geophysicae, 29, 421-426, 2011.
    60. Sumod, S. G, T. K. Pant, C. Vineeth, M. M. Hossain and M. Antonita, " Response of Tropical Mesopause to the longest Annular Solar Eclipse of this millennium", Journal Geophysical Research, 116, A06317, 2011. (, 2010JA016326)
    61. Sunilkumar, S. V., K. Parameswaran, B. V. Thampi, and G. Ramkumar, “Variability in background stratospheric aerosols over the tropics and its association with atmospheric dynamics”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, 2011,
    62. Uma, K. N., K.K. Kumar, and T. N. Rao, “VHF radar observed characteristics of convectively generated gravity waves during wet and dry spells of Indian monsoon”. Journal of Atmosphere Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73, 815-824, 2011,
    63. Venkata Ratnam, D., A D Sarma, V Satya Srinivas and P Sreelatha, “Performance evaluation of selected ionospheric delay models during geomagnetic storm conditions in low-latitude region”, Radio Science, Vol 46, RS0D08, 2011.
    64. Vigaud, N., P. Roucou, B. Fontaine, S. Sijikumar and S. Tyteca, "WRF/ARPEGE-CLIMAT simulated climate trends over West Africa", Climate Dynamics, 36, 925-944, 2011. (
    65. Vineeth, C, T. K. Pant and R. Sridharan, " Daytime Mesopause Energetics over a Tropical Station, Trivandrum (8.5oN, 77oE):- An Investigation using the Multiwavelength Dayglow Photometry", Journal Geophysical Research, 116, A01304, 2011. (
    66. Vineeth, C, T. K. Pant, S. G. Sumod, K. K. Kumar, S. Gurubaran, R. Sridharan , "Planetary Wave-tidal interactions over equatorial MLT region and their possible implications for the Equatorial Electrojet", Journal Geophysical Research, 116, A01314, 2011. (


    Other Important Publications


    1. Ramkumar, G, “Dynamical Coupling between different regions in the equatorial middle atmosphere, Chapter in a book entitled, Aeronomy of the Earths Atmosphere and Ionosphere”, 2011, Springer Publications.