Lower Atmosphere
- Aerosol Chemical Composition
- Boundary Layer Physics
- COSMO Forecast Bulletins
- Meteorological parameters during W-ICARB Ship-borne Field Experiment
- Open Path CO2/H2O Analyzer and Sonic Anemometer
- Trace Gases
- Monthly Mean Temperature (Radiosonde)
Middle Atmosphere
- RH200 (MIDAS)
- Ozone Profiles (Gadanki)
- RH-200 (SSW) | Readme | Jan 2006 | Jan 2003 to Jan 2005
- Tropical Tropopause Dynamics (TTD) - Trivandrum
Days of Experiment | Dec - Feb | Mar - May | Jun - Sep | Oct - Nov
- Tropical Tropopause Dynamics (TTD) - Gadanki
- Winds from Meteorwind Radar
- Validation of ST Radar with GPS Radiosonde (at IFS, Haringhata)
- TTD Balloon Soundings - ICARB 2018
- Monthly Mean Temperature (M100 Rocket)
- Suryagrahan Campaign Data - 2019
Upper Atmosphere/Ionosphere
- Data - Long Duration PPEF
- Irregularity parameters during HF radar campaign period (Thiruvananthapuram, 2022-2023)
- Superstorm
- ExB drifts
- Lunar Ionosphere
- Vertical Drift Velocity
- Data: Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularity
- Data - Ionospheric Irregularity Spectra
- Minor-Venus
- INSWIM Metadata
- Virtual base height of F-region | 2003-2004 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007| 2000-2012
- Ionosonde and Magnetometer Data (Thiruvananthapuram)
- Airglow Intensity/Ionospheric parameters (Thiruvananthapuram-2005)
- Electron density/Airglow intensity over the Indian Ocean (ICARB-2018)
- Venus, Venus Ionospheric Data; V1-Venus; V2-Venus
- SOUREX-2 rocket borne LP electron density and trajectory data: (i) Data1_Ne_cyl_LP; (ii) Data2_SOUREX2_trajectory
- SOUREX-1 data
Planetary Atmosphere