निदेशक, एस पी एल


डॉ के राजीव




डॉ. के राजीव का अनुसंधान प्रकाशन


1.    C.R.Reddi, K.Rajeev, and G. Ramkumar : Winds in the meteor zone over Trivandrum, Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics, 20, 82-91, 1991

2.    C.R.Reddi, K.Rajeev, G.Ramkumar, K.P.Kamath, and K.S.V.Shenoy : Meteor Wind Radar system at Trivandrum (8.5N,77E), Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics, 21, 195-211,1992

3.    C.R.Reddi, K.Rajeev, and R.Geetha : Tidal winds in the radio meteor region over Trivandrum (8.5N,77E), Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 55, 1219- 1231, 1993

4.    V.V.Somayajulu, L.Cherian, K.Rajeev, G.Ramkumar, and C.R.Reddi: Mean winds and tidal components during counter electrojet events, Geophysical Research Letters, 20, 1443-1446, 1993

5.    C.R.Reddi, K.Rajeev, and G.Ramkumar: Annual and semiannual temperature oscillations at the mesopause levels over Trivandrum (8.5N, 77E), Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, 8925-8931, 1993

6.    C.R. Reddi, K. Rajeev, S.M.Nair, B.H.Subbaraya, G.V.Rama, K.S.Appu, V.Narayanan, B.V.Apparao, S.C.Chakravarthy, O.P.Nagpal, S.P.Perov, and G.A.Kokin: DYANA campaign results in long period atmospheric waves over Thumba and Balasore: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 56, 1753-1763, 1994.

7.    C.R.Reddi, K.Rajeev, and Geetha Ramkumar: Diurnal variations in diffusion coefficient and occurrence rate of radio meteor trails Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics, 24, 55-63, 1995.

8.    K. Parameswaran, K. Rajeev, and K. Sengupta: An observational study of night-time aerosol concentrations in the lower atmosphere at a tropical coastal station, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 59, 1727-1737, 1997.

9.    K.Parameswaran, R.Rajan, G.Vijayakumar, K.Rajeev, K.K.Moorthy, P.R.Nair, and S.K.Satheesh: Seasonal and long term variations of aerosol content in the atmospheric mixing region at a tropical station on the Arabian sea coast, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 60, 17-25,1998

10.  K.Rajeev, and K.Parameswaran: An iterative method for the inversion of multiwavelength lidar signals to determine aerosol size distribution, Applied Optics, 37, 4690-4700, 1998

11.  K. Rajeev, V. Ramanathan, and J. Meywerk, Regional aerosol distribution and its longrange transport over the Indian Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 2029- 2043, 2000.

12.  K. Rajeev, and V. Ramanathan, Direct observations of clear-sky aerosol radiative forcing from space during the Indian Ocean Experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 17,221-17,236, 2001.

13.  Ramanathan, V., Crutzen, P. J., Lelieveld, J., Mitra, A. P., Althausen, D., Anderson, J., Andreae, M. O., Cantrell, W., Cass, G. R., Chung, C. E., Clarke, A. D., Coakley, J. A., Collins, W. D., Conant, W. C., Dulac, F., Heintzenberg, J., Heymsfield, A. J., Holben, B., Howell, S., Hudson, J., Jayaraman, A., Kiehl, J. T., Krishnamurti, T. N., Lubin, D., McFarquhar, G., Novakov, T., Ogren, J. A., Podgorny, I. A., Prather, K., Priestley, K., Prospero, J. M., Quinn, P. K., Rajeev, K., Rasch, P., Rupert, S., Sadourny, R., Satheesh, S. K., Shaw, G. E., Sheridan, P., Valero, F. P. J., Indian Ocean Experiment: An integrated analysis of the climate forcing and effects of the great Indo-Asian haze Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 , 28,371-28,398, 2001

14.  K. Rajeev, V. Ramanathan, The Indian Ocean experiment: Aerosol forcing obtained from satellite data, Advances in Space Research, 29(11) 1731-1740, 2002. (INVITED)

15.  K. Rajeev, S. K. Nair, and K. Parameswaran, Seasonal and inter-annual variability of regional aerosol distribution over the Indian Ocean observed using NOAA-14 AVHRR, Ocean Optics: Remote Sensing and Underwater Imaging, Eds. R. J. Frouin, G. D. Gilbert, Proceedings of SPIE(USA) Vol. 4488, 238-247, 2002.

16.  K. Parameswaran, K. Rajeev, M.N. Sasi, Geetha Ramkumar, B.V.Krishna Murthy, K. Satheesan, A R Jain, Y Bhavanikumar, K. Raghunath, M. Krishnaiah, Rayleigh lidar observations of gravity wave characteristics in the middle atmosphere at Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E), Lidar Remote Sensing for Industry and Environment Monitoring II, Ed. U.N. Singh, Proceedings of SPIE (USA), Vol. 4484, 286-294, 2002.

17.  K. Parameswaran, K. Rajeev, M. N. Sasi, Geetha Ramkumar, and B. V. Krishna Murthy, First observational evidence of the modulation of gravity wave activity in the low latitude middle atmosphere by equatorial waves, Geophysical Research Letters, 29(6), 10.1029/2001GL013625, 2002

18.  Nair, S. K.*, K. Rajeev, and K. Parameswaran, Wintertime regional aerosol distribution and the influence of continental transport over the Indian Ocean, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 65(2), 149-165, 2003.

19.  K.Rajeev, K.Parameswaran, M.N.Sasi, G. Ramkumar, and B.V.Krishna Murthy, Gravity waves in the tropical middle atmosphere: characteristics and wave-mean flow interaction, Advances in Space Research, 32(5), 807-812, DOI 10.1016/S0273- 1177(03)00403-4, 2003.

20.  Sasi, M. N., B.V. Krishna Murthy, Geetha Ramkumar, K. Satheesan, K. Parameswaran, K.Rajeev, S.V.Sunilkumar, Prabha R. Nair, K.Krishna Moorthy, Y. Bhavanikumar, K. Raghunath, A. R. Jain, P.B.Rao, M.Krishnaiah, S.R. Prabhakaran Nayar, K.Revathy, S.Devanarayanan, A study of Equatorial wave characteristics using rockets, balloons, lidar and radar, Advances in Space Research, 32(5), 813-818, DOI 10.1016/S0273- 1177(03)00412-5, 2003.

21.  K. Rajeev, K. Parameswaran, M. N. Sasi, G. Ramkumar, and B. V. Krishna Murthy, Rayleigh lidar observations of quasi-monochromatic waves in the tropical middle atmosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, NO. D24, 4749, ACL2.1–2.12, doi:10.1029/2003JD003682, 2003.

22.  K. Parameswaran, S. K Nair, and K. Rajeev, Impact of Indonesian forest fires during the 1997 El Nino on the aerosol distribution over the Indian ocean, Advances in Space Research, 33, 1098–1103, doi:10.1016/S0273-1177(03)00736-1, 2004.

23.  K. Rajeev, S. K Nair, K. Parameswaran, and C. S. Raju, Satellite observations of the regional aerosol distribution and transport over the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and Indian Ocean, Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 33, 11-29, 2004 (INVITED).

24.  Nair, S. K.*, K. Rajeev, and K. Parameswaran, Cloud screening in IRS-P4 OCM satellite data: Potential of spatial coherence method in the absence of thermal channel information, Remote Sensing of the Environment, 90, 259-267, 2004.

25.  K. Parameswaran, S.V. Sunil Kumar, K. Rajeev, Prabha R Nair, K. KrishnaMoorthy, Boundary layer aerosols at Trivandrum tropical coast, Advances in Space Research, 34, 838-844, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2003.08.059, 2004.

26.  Nair, S. K.*, K. Parameswaran, and K. Rajeev, Seven-years satellite observations of the mean structure and variabilities in the regional aerosol distribution over the oceanic areas around the Indian subcontinent, Annales Geophysicae, 23, 2011-2030, 2005.

27.  Meenu, S.*, K. Rajeev, K. Parameswaran and C. Suresh Raju, “Regional distribution of the high altitude clouds over the Indian Subcontinent and surrounding oceanic regions based on 7-years of satellite observations”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6408, DOI: 10.1117/12.694036, 2006.

28.  Meenu, S.*, K. Rajeev, C. Suresh Raju, and K. Parameswaran, “Double ITCZ observed over the Tropical Indian Ocean: Characteristics derived from cloud properties and OLR”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6408, DOI: 10.1117/12.694055, 2006.

29.  Nair, S. K*, K. Rajeev, and K. Parameswaran, “Interannual variability in the shortwave aerosol direct radiative forcing over the oceanic areas around the Indian subcontinent during Dry Season”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.6408, DOI: 10.1117/12.694027, 2006.

30.  Meenu, S.*, K. Rajeev, K. Parameswaran, and C. Suresh Raju, “Characteristics of Double ITCZ over the Tropical Indian Ocean”, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 112, D11106, doi:10.1029/2006JD007950, 2007

31.  K. Parameswaran, S. K Nair, K. Rajeev, Spatial distribution of sea-salt and non-sea-salt aerosol optical depths over the oceanic regions around the Indian subcontinent from space borne measurements, Journal of Marine and Atmospheric Research, 3, 64-82, 2007.

32.  K. Parameswaran, S. K Nair, K. Rajeev, Impact of Aerosols from the Asian Continent on the Adjoining Oceanic Environments, Journal of Earth System Science, 117, 83-102, 2008.

33.  K. Rajeev, K.Parameswaran, S. Meenu, S.V. Sunilkumar, Bijoy V. Thampi, C. Suresh Raju, B. V. Krishna Murthy, K. S. Jagannath, S. K. Mehta, D. N. Rao, and K. G. Rao, “Observational assessment of the potential of satellite-based water vapour and thermal IR brightness temperatures in detecting semitransparent cirrus”, Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L08808, doi:10.1029/2008GL033393, 2008

34.  K. Rajeev, K. Parameswaran, Sandhya K Nair, S. Meenu, “Observational evidence for the radiative impact of Indonesian smoke in modulating the sea surface temperature of the equatorial Indian Ocean”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D17201, doi:1029/2007JD009611, 2008.

35.  S. K. Mehta, B.V.Krishna Murthy, D. N. Rao, M.V. Ratnam, K. Parameswaran, K.Rajeev, C. Suresh Raju, and Kusuma G Rao, Identification of tropical convective tropopause and its association with cold point tropopause, Journal Geophysical Research, 113, D00B04, doi:1029/2007JD009625, 2008.

36.  Thampi, B. V.*, K. Rajeev, K. Parameswaran, and M. K. Mishra, Spatial distribution of the Southeast Asian smoke plume over the Indian Ocean and its radiative heating in the atmosphere during the major fire event of 2006, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L16808, doi:10.1029/2009GL039316, 2009.

37.  Meenu, S.*, K. Rajeev, K. Parameswaran, and A. K. M. Nair (2010), Regional distribution of deep clouds and cloud top altitudes over the Indian subcontinent and the surrounding oceans, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D05205, doi:10.1029/2009JD011802.

38.  Rajeev, K., K. Parameswaran, B.V. Thampi, M.K. Mishra, A. K. M. Nair, and S. Meenu, Altitude distribution of aerosols over Southeast Arabian Sea coast during pre-monsoon season: Elevated layers, long-range transport and atmospheric radiative heating, Atmospheric Environment, 44, 2597 - 2604, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv. 2010.04.014, 2010.

39.  Sunilkumar, S.V., K. Parameswaran, K. Rajeev, B. V. Krishna Murthy, S. Meenu, S.K. Mehta, and Asha Babu, Semitransparent cirrus clouds in the Tropical Tropopause Layer during two contrasting seasons, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 72, 745–762, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2010.03.020, 2010

40.  Mishra, M. K*., K. Rajeev, B.V. Thampi, K. Parameswaran, A.K.M. Nair, Micro pulse lidar observations of mineral dust layer in the lower troposphere over the southwest coast of Peninsular India during the Asian summer monsoon season, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 72, 1251–1259, 2010.

41.  Meenu, S.*, K. Rajeev, K. Parameswaran, Regional and vertical distribution of semitransparent cirrus clouds over the tropical Indian region derived from CALIPSO data, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 73, 1967-1979, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2011.06.007, 2011

42.  Nair, A. K. M.*, K. Rajeev, S. Sijikumar, S. Meenu, Characteristics of a persistent “pool of inhibited cloudiness” and its genesis over the Bay of Bengal associated with the Asian summer monsoon, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 1247–1252, doi:10.5194/angeo-29-1247- 2011, 2011

43.  Sijikumar. S. and K. Rajeev, Role of the Arabian Sea Warm Pool on the Precipitation Characteristics during Monsoon Onset Period, Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D11-00286.1, 2011

44.  Mishra, M. K.*, K. Rajeev, A. K. M Nair, K. Krishnamoorthy and K. Paramewaran, Impact of a noon-time annular solar eclipse on the mixing layer height and vertical distribution of aerosols in the atmospheric boundary layer, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 74, 232–237, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2011.10.012, 2012.

45.  Nair, A. K. M.*, K. Rajeev, M. K. Mishra, B. V. Thampi, and K. Parameswaran, Multiyear lidar observations of the descending nature of tropical cirrus clouds, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D18201, doi:10.1029/2011JD017406, 2012.

46.  Meenu, S.*, K. Parameswaran, and K. Rajeev, Role of sea surface temperature and wind convergence in regulating convection over the tropical Indian Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D14102, doi:10.1029/2011JD016947, 2012.

47.  Choudhary R. K, K. Rajeev, K. Krishna Moorthy, and R. Sridharan, “Ionospheric impact on the geopotential height profile of the temperature by balloon-borne GPSRadiosondes?”, Geophysical Research Letters, 40 (2), 239 - 244, doi:10.1029/2012GL054359, 2013.

48.  Prijith, S. S.*, K. Rajeev, B. V. Thampi, S. K. Nair and M. Mohan, “Multi-year observations of the spatial and vertical distribution of aerosols and the genesis of abnormal variations in aerosol loading over the Arabian Sea during Asian summer monsoon season”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 105-106, 142 – 151, doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2013.09.009, 2013.

49.  Mishra, M. K*, K. Rajeev, B. V. Thampi , A.K.M. Nair, Annual variations of the altitude distribution of aerosols and effect of long-range transport over the southwest Indian Peninsula, Atmospheric Environment, 81, 51-59, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.08.066, 2013.

50.  Nair, A.K.M.*, and K. Rajeev, “Multi-year CloudSat and CALIPSO observations of the dependence of cloud vertical distribution on sea surface temperature and tropospheric dynamics”, Journal of Climate, 27, 672-683, doi.10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00062.1, 2014.

51.  Ratnam, M. V., S.V. Sunilkumar, K. Parameswaran, B.V. Krishna Murthy, Geetha Ramkumar, K. Rajeev, G. Basha, S. R. Babu, M. Muhsin, Manoj K. Mishra, A . Hemanth Kumar, S.T. Akhil Raj, M. Pramitha, Tropical tropopause dynamics (TTD) campaigns over Indian region: An overview, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2014.05.007, 2014.

52.  Sunilkumar, S.V., M. Muhsin, K. Parameswaran, M. V. Ratnam, GeethaRamkumar, K.Rajeev, B. V. Krishna Murthy, K.V.S. Namboodiri, K.V.Subrahmanyam, K. Kishore Kumar, S.S. Das, “Characteristics of turbulence in the troposphere and lower stratosphere over the Indian Peninsula”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2015.07.015, 2015.

53.  Sijikumar. S, S. Aneesh, and K. Rajeev, Multi-year model simulations of mineral dust distribution and transport over the Indian subcontinent during summer monsoon seasons, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, DOI 10.1007/s00703-015-0422-0, 2015

54.  Sunilkumar, S.V., M. Muhsin, M. Emmanuel, G. Ramkumar, K. Rajeev, S. Sijikumar, Balloon-borne cryogenic frost-point hygrometer observations of water vapour in the tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere over India: First results, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 140, 86–93, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2016.02.014, 2016.

55.  Mishra, M. K.* and K. Rajeev, Direct observations of shortwave aerosol radiative forcing at surface and its diurnal variation during the Asian dry season at southwest Indian peninsula, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, DOI 10.1007/s00703-015-0427-8, 2016.

56.  Solanki, R*, N. Singh, N V P Kiran Kumar, K. Rajeev, S.K. Dhaka, Time Variability of Surface-Layer Characteristics over a Mountain Ridge in the Central Himalayas During the Spring Season, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 158, 453-471, DOI 10.1007/s10546- 015-0098-5, 2016.

57.  Mishra, M. K.*, K. Rajeev, Spectral dependence of aerosol radiative forcing at surface over a tropical coastal station. Proc. SPIE 9880, Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Remote Sensing Technology, Techniques and Applications VI, 98800A, doi:10.1117/12.2228078, 2016.

58.  Rajeev, K., Manoj K. Mishra, S. V. Sunilkumar, S. Sijikumar; Dual polarization micropulse lidar observations of the diurnal evolution of atmospheric boundary layer over a tropical coastal station. Proc. SPIE 9879, Lidar Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring XV, 98790V, doi:10.1117/12.2228049, 2016.

59.  Muhsin M, Sunilkumar S.V, Ratnam M.V, Parameswaran K, Murthy B V K, G. Ramkumar, Rajeev K, Diurnal variation of atmospheric stability and turbulence during different seasons in the troposphere and lower stratosphere derived from simultaneous radiosonde observations at two tropical stations, in the Indian Peninsula, Atmospheric Research, 180, 12-23, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.04.021, 2016.

60.  Mishra, M. K.*, Ashok Kumar Gupta, K. Rajeev, Space-borne Observations of the Diurnal Variation of Shortwave Aerosol Direct Radiative Effect at Top-of -Atmosphere over the Dust-dominated Arabian Sea and Atlantic Ocean, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote sensing, 55, 6610-6616, 10.1109/TGRS.2017.2730758, 2017.

61.  Renju, R., C. S. Raju, Manoj K. Mishra, Nizy Mathew, K. Rajeev and K. K. Moorthy, Atmospheric boundary layer characterization using ground-based microwave radiometric observations over a tropical coastal station, IEEE Transactions On Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55, 6877-6882, DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2017.2735626, 2017.

62.  Nair, A.K.M*, T. N. Rao, K. Rajeev, Role of cloud feedback in regulating the “pool of inhibited cloudiness” over the Bay of Bengal, Meteorology and Atmos. Physics, DOI: 10.1007/s00703-017-0560-7, 2017.

63.  Gupta, A. K.*, K. Rajeev, S. Sijikumar, Day-night changes in the altitude distribution, physical properties and radiative impact of low-altitude clouds over the stratocumulusdominated subtropical oceans, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 161 (2017) 118–126, DOI: 10.1016/j.jastp.2017.06.021.

64.  Gupta, A. K.*, K. Rajeev, S. Sijikumar, Anish Kumar M Nair, Enhanced Daytime Occurrence of Clouds in the Tropical Upper Troposphere over land and ocean, Atmos. Res., 201, 133-143, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2017.10.018, 2018.

65.  Emmanuel, M, Sunilkumar, SV, Muhsin, M, Kumar, BS, Nagendra, N, Chandran, PRS, Ramkumar, G, Rajeev, K, Intercomparison of Cryogenic Frost-Point Hygrometer observations with radiosonde, SAPHIR, MLS, and reanalysis datasets over Indian peninsula, IEEE Trans. on Geosci. and Rem. Sensing, 56(11), 6290-6295, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2018.2834154, 2018.

66.  Kiran Kumar, N.V.P., K. Jagadeesh, K. Niranjan, K. Rajeev, Seasonal variations of sea breeze and its effect on the spectral behaviour of surface layer winds in the coastal zone near Visakhapatnam, India, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2019.01.013, 2019

67.  Solanki, R*., N. Singh, N. V. P. KiranKumar, K. Rajeev, R. Imasu, S. K. Dhaka, Impact of Mountainous Topography on Surface-Layer Parameters During Weak Mean-Flow Conditions, Boundary Layer, Boundary Layer Meteorology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10546-019-00438-3, 2019.

68.  Davis, E. V.*, K. Rajeev, M. K. Mishra, Effect of Clouds on the Diurnal Evolution of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height over a Tropical Coastal Station, Boundary Layer Meteorology, DOI: 10.1007/s10546-019-00497-6, 2020.

69. Davis, E. V., K. Rajeev, and K. V. S. Namboodiri, "The Convective-Atmospheric-Boundary-Layer Height and its dependence upon Meteorological Variables At a Tropical Coastal Station during Onshore and Offshore Flows", Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2021.

70. Singh Jayadeep, Narendra Singh, Narendra Ojha, Amit Sharma, Andrea Pozzer, Nadimpally KiranKumar, Kunjukrishnapillai Rajeev, Sachin S. Gunthe, V. Rao Kotamarthi, "Effects of spatial resolution on WRF v3.8.1 simulated meteorology over the central Himalaya", Geoscientific-Model-Development, 2021.

71. Salim, S. N., Adhikari, A., Shaikh, A. A., Menon, H. B., Kumar, N. K., & Rajeev, K., "Aerosol-boundary layer dynamics and its effect on aerosol radiative forcing and atmospheric heating rate in the Indian Ocean sector of Southern Ocean", Science of The Total Environment, 858, 159770. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159770, 2023



*Doctoral thesis work


Publications in Proceedings/ Books


1.    Rajeev, K., and K.Parameswaran: Altitude structure of aerosols in the nocturnal mixing region, IASTA Bullettin, IASTA/95/s2-1, 2.2-2.5, 1995

2.    Rajeev, K., K. Parameswaran, M.N. Sasi, G. Ramkumar, and B.V. Krishna Murthy Rayleigh Lidar observations of gravity wave characteristics in the middle atmosphere at Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E), Proc. of the 5th User Scientists Workshop, NMRF, Tirupati, March, pp. 151-156, 2001.

3.    Sasi M. N., B. V. Krishna Murthy, G. Ramkumar, K. Satheesan, K. Parameswaran, K.Rajeev, S.V. Sunil Kumar, P.R.Nair, K.K.Moorthy, Y.Bhavanikumar, K.Reghunath, A.R.Jain, P.B.Rao, M.Krishnaiah, S.R.P.Nayar, K. Revathy, and S. Devanarayanan, A study of equatorial waves in tropospheric, stratospheric and mesospheric winds and temperatures, Proc. Of the 5th User Scientists Workshop, NMRF, Tirupati, March, pp. 63- 70, 2001.

4.    Nair, S. K., K. Rajeev and K. Parameswaran, Regional aerosol distribution and transport over the Bay of Bengal during winter months of 1997, 1998 and 1999, Proc. of TROPMET-2001, 2001.

5.    Rajeev, K., K. Parameswaran, M. N. Sasi, G. Ramkumar and B. V. Krishna Murthy, Gravity waves in the tropical middle atmosphere during the winter: wave characteristics and interaction with the background atmosphere, Proceedings of the I-STEP Sponsored Workshop on Dynamical Coupling in the Equatorial Atmosphere-Ionosphere System (DYCEASIS-2002), Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Tirunelveli, 2-3 May 2002, 2002.

6.    Parameswaran, K., S. K. Nair, K. Rajeev, Spaceborne observations of the effect of Indonesian forest fires on the aerosol loading over Indian Ocean, IASTA Bulletin (Special Issue), Vol.14(1), 47-50, September 2002.

7.    Rajeev, K., S.K. Nair, and K. Parameswaran, Influence of synoptic circulation on aerosol loading over the Indian Ocean, IASTA Bulletin (Special Issue), Vol.14(1), 59-62, September 2002.

8.    S.K. Nair, K. Rajeev, and K. Parameswaran, Seven-years satellite observations of the mean structure and variabilities of regional aerosol distribution over the oceanic areas around the Indian subcontinent, IASTA Bulletin, 16 (No.1& 2), 150-154, 2004.

9.    Rajeev, K., C. S. Raju, K. Parameswaran, Characteristics of the fractional cloud cover and its altitude distribution over the Indian ocean region derived from NOAA_AVHRR, IASTA Bulletin 16 (No. 1 &2), 140-144, 2004.

10.  Raju, C. S., K. Rajeev, K. Parameswaran, and K. S. Jagannath, and C. G. Patil, Cloud studies using KALPANA-1 data: Potential and Possibilities, IASTA Bulletin, 16 (No. 1&2), 145-149, 2004.

11.  Nair, S. K., K. Rajeev, and K. Parameswaran, “Seven-years satellite observations of the mean structure and variabilities of regional aerosol distribution over the oceanic areas around the Indian subcontinent”, Proc. of IASTA, Vol.16, 150-154, 2004.

12.  Parameswaran, K., S.V. Sunilkumar, K. Rajeev, C. S. Raju, D. N. Rao, S. K Mehta, B.V. Krishna Murthy, S.C. Chakravarthy, K. G Rao, and K.S. Jagnath, “Cirrus clouds in the Tropical Tropopause Layer”, Proc. MST 11 Eleventh International Workshop on Technical and Scientific aspects of MST Radar (Ed. V K Anandan), Macmillan, 552-558, 2006.

13.  Mehta, S., D.N. Rao, B.V.Krishna Murthy , K. Parameshwaran, K.Rajeev, C.S. Raju, K.G. Rao, S.C.Chkravarty, and K.S.Jagannath, “Characteristics of cold point and convective tropical tropopause using MST radar”, Proc. MST 11 Eleventh International Workshop on Technical and Scientific aspects of MST Radar (Ed. V K Anandan), Macmillan, 621-624, 2006.

14.  Rajeev, K., K.Parameswaran, S. Meenu, S.V. Sunilkumar, B. V. Thampi, C. S. Raju, B. V. Krishna Murthy, K. S. Jagannath, S. K Mehta, D N. Rao, and K. G. Rao, “Thin semitransparent cirrus clouds observed using KALPANA-1 VHRR and its intercomparison with the Lidar-derived cirrus optical depth”, Proceedings of CAWSESIndia, pp.197-206, 2007.

15.  Mehta, S. K., B.V.Krishna Murthy, D.N.Rao, M.V.Ratnam, K. Rajeev, C. S. Raju, K.G.Rao, “Studies on diurnal variation of the tropical tropopause using MST radar”, Proceedings of CAWSES-India, pp.207-212, 2007.

16.  Parameswaran, K.,, S.V. Sunilkumar, B. V Thampi, K. Rajeev, C. Suresh Raju, B.V. Krishna Murthy, S. K Mehta, D. N. Rao and K. G Rao, “Properties of cirrus clouds in the Tropical Tropopause Layer”, Proceedings of CAWSES-India, pp.187-196, 2007.

17.  Parameswaran, K., S. V. Sunilkumar, K. Rajeev, C. S. Raju, K. S. Jagannath, “Tropical cirrus and tropospheric turbulence”, Proc. of the International Network of Atmosphere Radar Colloquium, National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, pp. 110-121, 2007.

18.  Rajeev, K., K. Parameswaran, S. K. Nair, S. Meenu, “A case study on the impact of atmospheric aerosols in modifying the regional meteorology”, Emerging trends in Aerosols: Technology & Applications, 18, Nos 1&2, 363-366, IASTA Bulletin, November, 2007.

19.  Thampi, B. V., M. K. Mishra, K. Parameswaran, K. Saha, C. S. Raju, K. Rajeev, “Vertical distribution of atmospheric aerosols in the lower troposphere over Trivandrum”, Emerging trends in Aerosols: Technology & Applications, 18, Nos 1&2, 33-35, IASTA Bulletin, November, 2007.

20.  Meenu, S., K. Rajeev, K. Parameswaran, A.K.M. Nair, C. Suresh Raju, “Regional mean vertical distribution of deep clouds over the Indian Subcontinent and surrounding oceans estimated from AVHRR and CALIPSO observations”, Proc. International Conference on Megha-Tropiques, Bangalore, 23-25 March, 2009, pages 93-94.

21.  Thampi, B. V., K. Rajeev, K. Parameswaran, M. K. Mishra, S. V. Sunilkumar, “Threedimensional structure and radiative impact of the Southeast Asian smoke aerosols over the Equatorial Indian Ocean during the 2006 fire event”, Proc. International Conference on Megha-Tropiques, Bangalore, 23-25 March2009, Pages 95-96, 2009.

22.  Rajeev, K., S.Meenu, K.Parameswaran, A.K.M. Nair, C.S. Raju, S.V.Sunilkumar, “KALPANA-1-VHRR and CALIPSO observations of semi-transparent cirrus clouds over the Indian subcontinent and surrounding oceans”, Proc. International Conference on Megha-Tropiques, Bangalore, 23-25 March2009, pages 35-36, 2009.

23.  Nair, A. K. M., B. V. Thampi, M. K. Mishra, S. Meenu, K. Rajeev, K.Parameswaran, “Lidar observations of the descending nature of tropical cirrus clouds”, IASTA Bulletin, pp.264-267, 2010

24.  Mishra, M. K., B. V. Thampi, A. K. M. Nair, K. Rajeev, K. Parameswaran, “Lidar observations of contrasting aerosol layers over Trivandrum (8.5ºN, 77ºE) during premonsoon and summer monsoon seasons”, IASTA Bulletin, pp.187-190, 2010.

25.  Rajeev, K., “Aerosols and Radiation Budget”, SERC School on Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, pages 135-154, 2010.

26.  Mishra, M. K., K. Rajeev, A. K. M Nair, B. V. Thampi, K. Krishnamoorthy and K. Paramewaran, Impact of noon-time annular Solar Eclipse on the vertical distribution of aerosols and mixing height over Thumba, Proc. Of National Workshop: Results on Solar Eclipse, Trivandrum, 27-28 Jan. 2011, pages 134-137.

27.  Rajeev, K., K. Krishnamoorthy, M. Mohan, P. R. Nair, S. S. Babu, D.B. Subrahamanyam, N. V. P. K. Kumar, V. Sreekanth, M. K. Mishra, A. G. Imran, M. M. Gogoi, M.Santosh, S. K. Kompalli, S. Sijikumar, K.V.S. Namboodiri, R. K. Manchanda, “Impact of the annular Solar Eclipse of 15 January 2010 on the boundary layer structure and distribution of aerosols and trace gases over Thumba”, Proc. of National Workshop: Results on Solar Eclipse, Trivandrum, 27-28 Jan. 2011, pages 22-40.

28.  Nair, A. K. M., K. Rajeev, M. K. Mishra, K. Parameswaran, Lidar observations of descending nature of cirrus clouds : features, causes and impact, Proc. Tropmet-2011, 40-42, 2011.

29.  Meenu, S., K. Rajeev and K. Parameswaran, 3D variations of the properties of semitransparent cirrus derived from CALIPSO data, Proc. Tropmet-2011, 178-180, 2011.

30.  Rajeev, K., N. V. P. Kiran Kumar, D. Bala Subrahamanyam, M. Santosh, Sandhya K. Nair, S. Sijikumar and K. Krishna Moorthy: An Overview of the activities under the NOBLE (Network of Observatories for Boundary Layer Experiments) Project of the ISROGBP, Proceedings of the IGBP Project Review Meeting, 20-21 June 2012, 216-220, 2012.

31.  Sijikumar, S., Rajeev, K., K. Krishna Moorthy: Potential effect of anomalous atmospheric heating due to aerosols during the pre-monsoon over Central and North India on the onset characteristics of Indian Summer Monsoon, Proc. of the IGBP Project Review Meeting, 20-21 June 2012, 201-205, 2012.

32.  Nair, A. K. M., K. Rajeev, S. Sijikumar, and S. Meenu, “On the genisis of a Pool of inhibited cloudiness over the Bay of Bengal during the Asian summer monsoon”, Proceedings of OCHAMP-2012, February, 2012.

33.  K. Rajeev, A. K. M. Nair and K. Krishnamoorthy, Direct observations of Cloud Radiative Forcing over Tropics using Megha-Tropiques ScaRaB data, Proc. Of the Indo-French Workshop on Megha-Tropiques, ISRO Hq., Bangalore, 17-19 Dec. 2012.

34.  K. Rajeev, et al., Overview of the Activities under the Network of Observatories for Boundary Layer Experiments (NOBLE) Project of ISRO-GBP, Proc. of the IGBP Project Review (ARFI, ICARB, RAWEX & NOBLE), pages 233-240, January 2014.

35.  S.S. Kundu, N.V.P. Kirankumar, A. Borgohain, K. Rajeev, Diurnal evolution of atmospheric boundary layer and its effect on the mesoscale circulation over a hilly terrain, Shillong (25.6°N, 91.9°E), Proc. of the IGBP Project Review (ARFI, ICARB, RAWEX & NOBLE), pages 241-247, January 2014.

36.  N.V.P. Kirankumar, K. Rajeev and S.K. Pandey, Diurnal evolution of atmospheric boundary layer over a long island and its potential impact in modulating the large-scale flow in its vicinity, Proc. of the IGBP Project Review (ARFI, ICARB, RAWEX & NOBLE), pages 248-252, January 2014.

37.  C. Sagarika, A. K. Dwivedi, Manoj Kumar, N V P Kirankumar, K. Rajeev, Boundary layer characteristics over a plain continental station, Ranchi (23.2ºN, 85.2ºE), Proc. of the IGBP Project Review (ARFI, ICARB, RAWEX & NOBLE), pages 259-262, January 2014.

38.  K. Niranjan, K. Jagadeesh, N.V.P. Kirankumar and K. Rajeev, Surface layer characteristics over the east coast of Peninsular India, Proc. of the IGBP Project Review (ARFI, ICARB, RAWEX & NOBLE), pages 256-258, January 2014.

39.  K. R. Gopal, RR.Reddy, N. S. K. Reddy, G. Balakrishnaiah, K. Uma Devi, N.V.P. Kirankumar and K. Rajeev, Characterization of atmospheric boundary layer parameters over a semi-arid zone, Anantapur, Proc. of the IGBP Project Review (ARFI, ICARB, RAWEX & NOBLE), pages 266-268, January 2014.

40.  N. Singh, R. Solanki, N.V.P. Kirankumar and K. Rajeev, Assessment of Surface layer micrometeorological parameters over the complex terrain in the Central Himalayas, Proc. of the IGBP Project Review (ARFI, ICARB, RAWEX & NOBLE), pages 263-265, January 2014.

41.  M.Santosh and K. Rajeev, Characteristics of the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (MABL) over the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea and the Tropical Indian Ocean under contrasting cloudiness and convective conditions, Proc. of the IGBP Project Review (ARFI, ICARB, RAWEX & NOBLE), pages 269-272, January 2014.

42.  S. Sijikumar and K. Rajeev, Numerical Simulation of the Diurnal Evolution of Planetary Boundary Layer over Southwest Coast of Indian Peninsula, Proc. of the IGBP Project Review (ARFI, ICARB, RAWEX & NOBLE), pages 273-276, January 2014.

43.  Gupta. A. K. and K. Rajeev, Global variations of cloud radiative forcing during northern hemispheric summer estimated from CERES data, Proceedings of IASTA Conference, 11-13 Nov. 2014.

44.  Gupta, A. K., K. Rajeev and M. K. Mishra, ScaRaB onboard Megha Tropiques (MT) observations of seasonal mean diurnal variations of cloud radiative forcing (CRF) at top of-atmosphere over tropics and the impact of El Nino periods, 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, New Delhi, India, 2019, pp. 1-4.doi:10.23919/URSIAPRASC.2019.8738716.