SPL [एसपीएल] is closely .entwined with the evolution of Space Sciences and Space Research in India and dates back to more than four decades. Making a humble beginning as a ground support provider for the sounding rocket experiments, with the expansion of the horizon covering the whole gamut of atmospheric and space sciences, the Space Physics Laboratory, with its autonomy in science programs, has traveled a long way. Today, it has attained the status of a vibrant academic institution with front ranking research areas and problems, and a strong and vibrant research fellows program and a leading Atmospheric, Space, and Planetary Research Laboratory in the country, with international repute. It interacts very closely with the academia and other research institutions in India and abroad. Recognition, in the form of awards and accolades, has been coming-in along with the Laboratory’s evolution and growth. SPL has ambitious programs for the years to come, with the extensive support from ISRO.

Our Vision

Scientific understanding of the energetics, dynamics and chemistry of the terrestrial and planetary environments, and implications to the society

  OUR DIRECTOR / हमारे निदेशक  

Dr. K. Rajeev / डॉ के राजीव



  • Poddar et al., 2024, "Structures and backscattering characteristics of CUSAT 205 MHz stratosphere‐troposphere radar at Cochin (10.04°N, 76.3°E)—First results", Radio Science.
  • Jana et al., 2024,"Change in precipitation pattern over south Asia in response to the trends in regional warming and free-tropospheric aerosol loading", Scientific Reports.
  • Nair et al., 2024,"Global temperature and energy in the ionosphere thermosphere", International journal of novel research and development.
  • Arun et al., 2024, "Enhanced light absorption by ambient Brown Carbon aerosols in the eastern Himalayas", RSC Environmental Science: Atmosphere.
  • Boreddy et al., 2024, "Potential sources of organic enriched PM10 in the high Arctic during summer", Science of the Total Environment.
  • Dhananjay et al., 2024, "Significance of Anthropogenic Sources and Aerosol Liquid Water on Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation Across the Eastern Himalaya", Science of the Total Environment.
  • Bhaskar et al., 2024,“Aurora Mag: Twin explorer of asymmetry in aurora and solar wind-magnetosphere coupling”, Advances in Space Research.
  • Yadav et al., 2024, “The effect of energetic electrons in lunar ionosphere on the streaming plasma instability around moon”, Physics of Plasmas.
  • Veenus and Das, “Role of Southern Hemisphere sudden stratospheric warming in altering the intensity of Brewer-Dobson circulation and its impact on stratospheric ozone and water vapour”, Advances in Space Research.
  • Koushik et al., 2024, "A Puzzling Quasi Periodic Variability in the Tropical Middle Atmosphere". Geophysical Research Letters.
  • Ashok et al., 2024,"A numerical study on the impact of E × B drift on the vertical distribution of the plasma density over the geomagnetic equatorial ionospheric region". Journal of Geophysical Research:Space Physics.
  • Ambili et al., 2024,"On the role of minor neutrals in determining the characteristic features of the Venus ionosphere at low altitudes". MNRAS.
  • Nair et al., 2024, "Effects of South Asian outflow on aerosol hygroscopicity and cloud droplet activation over the northern Indian Ocean", Atmospheric Environment.
  • Uma et al., 2024, "An empirical model for the tropical Indian region using in-situ and space-borne observations taking into account of tropical oscillations", Advances in Space Research.
  • Kumar et al. 2024, 'Hydrometeors Distribution in Intense Precipitating Cloud Cells Over the Earth’s During Two Rainfall Seasons'. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing.
  • Sama et al., 2024, "A comprehensive assessment of the temporal and spatial variation of hail producing convective storms over eastern India using weather radar", Climate Dynamics. 
  • Mridula et al., 2023, "Performance evaluation of ionospheric models over equatorial Indian region", Advances in Space Research, View
  • Uma et al., 2023, "Vertical structure of North Indian Ocean tropical cyclones: A composite analysis using TRMM and GPM", Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, View
  • Ajayakumar et al., 2023, Ajayakumar et al., 2023, "Processes governing the surface ozone over a tropical hill station in the Western Ghats", Atmospheric Environment, View
  • Shailendra, 2023, "Regional and seasonal diferences of radar refectivity slopes in lower troposphere in convective and stratiform precipitation using TRMM PR data", Theoretical and Applied Climatology, View
  • Nair et al., 2023, "Elevation-dependence of warming due to aerosol-induced snow darkening over the Himalayan-Tibetan region", Environ. Res. Lett., View
  • Satheesh et al., 2023, "Role of Deep Convection and Dynamics on the Tracer Distribution in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Region during Active and Break Phases of the Asian Summer Monsoon", Climate Dynamics, View
  • Sunilkumar et al., 2023, "Origin and maintenance of Upper Tropospheric Inversion over the northern Indian Ocean during boreal winter of 2018", Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, View
  • Ambili et al., 2023, "Exploring sensitivity: Unveiling the impact of input parameters on Venus ionosphere V2 layer characteristics", Icarus, View
  • Jain et al., 2023, "Turbulence dynamics and flow speeds in the inner solar corona: results from radio-sounding experiments by the Akatsuki spacecraft", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society View
  • Deshmukh et al., 2023a, “Changes in the size distributions of oxalic acid and related polar compounds over northern Japan during spring”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, View
  • Deshmukh et al., 2023b, “Anthropogenic and biogenic sources drive the molecular fingerprints and atmospheric processing of water-soluble organic aerosols at a tropical hill station the Western Ghats of India”, Earth and Space Science, View
  • Renju et al., 2023, “Simulation analysis of microwave emission from lunar subsurface for SAR radiometric mode dual frequency (L/S Bands) observations onboard Chandrayaan-2”, Advances in Space Research, View
  • Anjana et al., 2024, "Retrieval of the Hadley circulation boundaries at regional scales using global positioning system-radio occultation measurements". GPS Solutions, View
  • Anjana et al. 2023, "New insights into the poleward migration of tropical cyclones and its association with Hadley circulation". Scientific Report, View
  • Sruthi et al., 2023, "On the in situ observations of irregularities during rocket flights from Thumba for different geophysical conditions and the associated causative mechanisms". Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, View
  • Ajith et al., 2023, “Evolution of organic aerosols in the South Asian outflow to the northern Indian Ocean”, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, View



Microwave and
Boundary Layer Physics


Ionosphere Thermosphere Magnetosphere Physics


Aerosols, Trace gases and
Radiative Forcing




Atmosphere Modelling






Atmospheric and
Space Sciences